All the expectations makes you feel blue. first he, then she. I'm so tierd of my own self. I just get so exited when things go right for me, for a while now things just disappear and i really don't like it. People I am supposed to trust just let me down and it take some while to get back on the track where I first stod. For a while we talked about die together, but that was becouse we where so thigt. I really do get obsessed of someone quit easy, maby too easy if you ask someone. But I think that if you shall love someone, you might love him or she to the max, don't hold it in, just be yourselft whit this person. If it's really love then he or she will accept you even if you don't wear a tonne of makeup or have the nicest breath when you wake up in the morning. It is the little things that matters. The most important thing is that you have a nice time with this person, I'ts a lot of fun when your spending time with a good friend or a boyfriend.// I do like butterflyes, but I find it kind of strange when they are inside my stomach.